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How Climate Change Is Fueling Extreme Weather

The spike in global temperatures is contributing to climate disasters that will only get worse unless we take action. Across the globe, extreme weather is be...

Keeping the Wolverine Wild in a Climate Crisis

Wolverines, says journalist and wildlife biologist Douglas H. Chadwick, are “not afraid of anything. They climb peaks that human climbers turn back from. So the...

ABA helps animal shelters address challenges during COVID-19 pandemic

Katie Bray Barnett’s three-legged dog Leonidas is a registered therapy dog who serves at juvenile detention facilities and the local VA hospital. “He has lympho...

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, legal services providers find creative ways to serve older adults

For Patrice Paldino, adjusting to COVID-19 meant finding new ways to reach Broward County, Florida, residents who are 60 years of age or older.

World Trade Organization Is Negotiating New Agreement to Protect Our Oceans From Overfishing

Earthjustice is one of more than 160 leading environmental organizations that have signed on in support of ending unsustainable funding practices

BigLaw firms and legal clinics join ACLU in initiative to stop racism in policing

Large law firms and legal clinics are partnering with the American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana in its campaign “to dismantle racially discriminatory poli...

An Open Letter on DAPL

“Our experience is that the U.S. does not honor the treaties of their grandfathers,” writes the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s historic preservation officer.

A love of dolphins sparked lawyer’s 30-year crusade to improve well-being of animals

James F. Gesualdi: “The practice of animal law, like life itself, is all about raising consciousness.” James F. Gesualdi was only a year into his practice of la...

Profit-Hungry Utilities Fail to Stifle Solar Energy

Good news for the electric bills of millions of Americans: A federal agency protected one of the country’s most important solar energy incentives

A woman’s place is in the courtroom

Women are severely under-represented at the Bar in Bangladesh where the current male to female ratio of lawyers enrolled in the Bangladesh Bar Council (BBC) is...

Top Posts

ABA helps animal shelters address challenges during COVID-19 pandemic

Katie Bray Barnett’s three-legged dog Leonidas is a registered therapy dog who serves at juvenile detention facilities and the local VA hospital. “He has lympho...

World Trade Organization Is Negotiating New Agreement to Protect Our Oceans From Overfishing

Earthjustice is one of more than 160 leading environmental organizations that have signed on in support of ending unsustainable funding practices

Keeping the Wolverine Wild in a Climate Crisis

Wolverines, says journalist and wildlife biologist Douglas H. Chadwick, are “not afraid of anything. They climb peaks that human climbers turn back from. So the...

A love of dolphins sparked lawyer’s 30-year crusade to improve well-being of animals

James F. Gesualdi: “The practice of animal law, like life itself, is all about raising consciousness.” James F. Gesualdi was only a year into his practice of la...